Professional Editing Services

Many friends and clients are purchasing high end digital cameras. Having a wonderful camera is only part of the equation when it comes to having beautiful photography in your home. Aside from the gear, it also takes knowledge with Lightroom and Photoshop to create a piece of art to display in your home.

Chances are you have beautiful images that you have taken that just aren’t reaching their full potential. Or you took images at a friends wedding and you want to gift one to them – but you want it to look fabulous! I am here to help you make your images spectacular with my new editing service. Simply purchase the editing of your choice with the Paypal button below and email me your high resolution file in RAW format or Jpeg format. Describe a little about what your vision for the image is (warm black and white? vintage? colorful?) and I will professionally edit the image and email back to you ready to print with a lab recommendation. This service generally has same day turnaround, but please allow up to two days for especially challenging projects.

If your project is beyond my scope of knowledge, I will refund your payment in full. Due to the custom nature of this work, all sales are final.

[ more samples coming soon ]

Use the below button to purchase ONE retouch in Color or Black and White


Use the below button to purchase ONE retouch in Color AND Black and White


How Can We Help?

Prefer to email?
Text: 808-207-5711


Thank you!


Maui in cute little squares...